Purity / Hygiene and safety for your product



Purity / Hygiene and safety for your product


The quality together with the protection methods that you use in the treatment of your products, in a sector such as food where safety is fundamental, can be one of the keys to success for your business. We are aware of the large volume of needs that are generated in the food industry, for this same reason, we have a wide range of items and magnetic systems that we make available to our customers, offering a variety of solutions that ensure the purity of the food products.

A prominent example are the magnetic separation systems manufactured for the detection of any contamination, impurities and any type of metallic particle filtered in any of the production or packaging processes of the product.

The performance of the separation of metallic particles from the product is one of the requirements that concerns the quality department the most.

For this reason, all the products we offer in IMA are made by permanent magnets, providing maximum security, without relying on electricity supply and with an extended product life, thanks to the quality of these.

Avoiding costly production interruptions, machinery damage or product recalls.

The use of the magnet in the food sector is increasingly widespread, being used to:

Security systems

Separation systems

Packaging and packaging systems

Hygiene and cleaning system

Smoke output

In order to cover all needs, IMA facilitates direct contact with the commercial team, which provides specialized and professional technical advice. Providing innovative solutions to prevent contamination by metal particles in this sector and tailored to your business. The consultation can be done through the form on our website or through a telephone connection.